14- Run Down

Today has been an interesting day in all reality. It wasn’t exactly bad, but it was definitely one of those bad mood days. I remarked to my partners at school and my husband that I am bored. I think I’ve become bored by my job and bored by the days that just seem to slug by. I’m also beginning to contemplate my chosen job and I am wondering if there is a way to do something different. Stephen always tells me there is and I am working for it. I am working for it every time I pick up my camera and every time I promote my pictures. I’ve always believed in pipe dreams and I am going to continue to believe that being a photographer or writer is still a possibility for me. It’d be nice, wouldn’t it?

On a much lighter note, I watched more episodes of Doctor Who tonight than I really should have. Three in total and I couldn’t take my eyes away, literally.  I had the honor of watching “Blink”. If you’ve never seen Doctor Who or you absolute hate the idea of it, please try “Blink” and you won’t be sorry. It’s the perfect blend of horror, science fiction, and fantasy. It is a wonderful work of television.

14- Run Down