Waning Summer Sun

Going back to school always leaves me feeling as if I haven’t accomplished a single thing during my summer vacation.  I am not the kind of person who needs to be busy 100% of the time, but I do like to feel good about my time spent during free days. My philosophy of time spent coincides with the adage:

“Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time.”- Bertrand Russell or is that John Lennon?

Either way, the quote summarizes my feeling on spare time and how it is used.

The other thing that makes my palms sweaty, my head itchy, and my stomach… achey is when I feel as if my life is spiraling out of control and I will wake up years from now lamenting the fact that I did nothing.  This has been a nightmare to rival anything Stephen King has written, and I finally started getting over that fear.  Whether I am a teacher, a writer, blogger, or a bum I will have done exactly as I was meant to and as I wanted to in my life. Traveling has allowed me to see that there are a million options and a million possibilities to each and every single moment of life.

“When you’re a kid, they tell you it’s all… Grow up, get a job, get married, get a house, have a kid, and that’s it. But the truth is, the world is so much stranger than that. It’s so much darker. And so much madder. And so much better.”- Elton Pope (Doctor Who)

Seattle Port Line

Interesting People

Little Green Mountain

Mingo Falls 1

It is SO much better.


14- Run Down

Today has been an interesting day in all reality. It wasn’t exactly bad, but it was definitely one of those bad mood days. I remarked to my partners at school and my husband that I am bored. I think I’ve become bored by my job and bored by the days that just seem to slug by. I’m also beginning to contemplate my chosen job and I am wondering if there is a way to do something different. Stephen always tells me there is and I am working for it. I am working for it every time I pick up my camera and every time I promote my pictures. I’ve always believed in pipe dreams and I am going to continue to believe that being a photographer or writer is still a possibility for me. It’d be nice, wouldn’t it?

On a much lighter note, I watched more episodes of Doctor Who tonight than I really should have. Three in total and I couldn’t take my eyes away, literally.  I had the honor of watching “Blink”. If you’ve never seen Doctor Who or you absolute hate the idea of it, please try “Blink” and you won’t be sorry. It’s the perfect blend of horror, science fiction, and fantasy. It is a wonderful work of television.

14- Run Down

9-10 Not the Way We Planned

Okay, so I don’t think it is considered breaking my resolution if I miss a day and then post two pictures the next day. I technically took a picture yesterday, but the idea of getting to a computer yesterday was a little daunting.  It was a great day because I recently found love in Doctor Who. I don’t know how it happened, but it happened.  I slowly fell in love with David Tennant and then I watched “Doomsday” and found myself absolutely sobbing in a ball on the couch. Anyway, I expressed my new love to my students.  None seemed interested until the next day.  A pretty shy student walked up to me with a folded piece of paper. On it, I found this beautiful piece of art work!

9- Tardis

I let out a ridiculous yell and promptly put it up behind my chair. Now I have my own personal Tardis to help me travel through the day.

However, last night was a little difficult because of a family medical emergency.  It is definitely the winter of sicknesses and not getting over them. Such was the case of my father who was not drinking enough fluids and was not consuming enough calories throughout the day.  As such, he was landed in the hospital with double pneumonia. He’s doing much better today, but yesterday was definitely a rushed day and filled with lots of worry.

I visited him again today and he is sitting up, eating, and doing much better. Sickness always adds too much stress on family.

So, I realized that the fact that I didn’t post is okay. Life is more like a “wibbly wobbly timey wimey thing”. It never is certain.

One thing is certain though…I love coming to my husband and my loving cats. So, today’s picture is just that! Or… Part of that!
